REVOLVE Coupons, Promo Codes & 2024 Deals

Shop Top Designer Clothing Brands Online at REVOLVE

REVOLVE is home to the world's most-coveted designer apparel, shoes & accessories from Lovers + Friends, For Love & Lemons, NBD, Free People, Joie + more.

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Up to 81% Off Skirts

Expires: 09/09/2021 • Submitted: 3 days ago

Up to 65% Off Women's Accessories

Expires: 09/09/2021 • Submitted: 3 days ago

Up to 65% OFF Sale Women's Activewear

Expires: 09/07/2021 • Submitted: 4 days ago

Up to 50% Off Denim

Expires: 09/09/2021 • Submitted: 3 days ago

Up to 40% Off Sale Tops

Status:  Trusted Contributor • Expires: 09/12/2021 • Submitted: By mivan this morning

Up To 10% Off Order, Using This Deal

Success Rate: 56% • Submitted: By jlrivero

Fashion Styles Under $40

Expires: 09/07/2021 • Submitted: 4 days ago

First Month of SuperShe when you download the App! Free Shipping With This Promo Code

Expires: 09/25/2021 • Submitted: By deby32953 3 months ago


Revolve, with this promo code.
Submitted: By DamienCoupon yesterday

FREE 4 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer order $100+

Get a FREE 4 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer with your order over $100
Revolve Clothing
Submitted: By Vitaminka
Revolve.Com Competitor Coupon Codes
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About Revolve.Com

Finding Ways to Save Money at Revolve

  • As soon as you go to their website a box pops up asking for your e-mail address. Entering your address gives you a 10% off coupon that can be used immediately.
  • By giving them your e-mail address on your initial visit, you subscribe to their e-mail newsletter. This is how they send you special deals and coupons that you can use after your first visit. Those coupons are only available through e-mail.
  • You can click on “SALE” near the top of their home page. This will bring up a couple of options for you. One of them is a general sale page which changes as new items go on sale. The other is a final sale section which is Revolve’s version of a clearance section.
  • Revolve also regularly runs additional sales on their website. These will be advertised on the landing page when you first go to the website.
  • While reviewing the items in your cart, there will be a box near the bottom of the screen, below the total, where you will be prompted to put in a discount code if you have one on hand.
  • You can also join the Revolve Loyalty Club to receive discounts and earn rewards.

Revolve Returns

Revolve does allow items to be returned as long as they are unused, unwashed, undamaged, unworn and have all the original tags still attached. Right now, any item can be returned for a refund within 60 days of purchase while any item can be sent back within 90 days for an exchange. Just like Revolve offers free shipping when you buy your items, you don’t have to pay shipping to send one back, either.

Revolve Loyalty Club

The Revolve Loyalty Club gives you points for every dollar that you spend on items at Revolve. You can also get points for following Revolve on their social media channels. Every 2,000 points you earn can be redeemed for $20 to be spent at Revolve. Being a member gets you access to new releases before they hit the site, earns you triple points on the “brand of the month” and gets you access to exclusive sales that are only available to members.

About Revolve

Revolve Clothing is an e-commerce brand that sells clothes for men and women as well as accessories, shoes and other apparel options. The company was originally founded in 2003 by two friends who had no experience in the fashion industry. The founders, Michael Mente and Mike Karinikolas, decided to launch a fashion-based e-commerce business where they would simply stock and sell as many of the top brands as humanly possible. To grow their customer base, Revolve studies niche designers who you may not find in traditional boutiques and studies the data of how their brand sells on Revolve. Today Revolve also offers 18 of its own brands in addition to well-known names and up-and-coming designers.

Revolve is a major fashion store that markets products and services at Revolve competes with other top fashion stores such as Old Navy, American Eagle and Boohoo. Revolve sells mid-range purchase size items on its own website and partner sites in the extremely competitive online fashion industry.

When it comes to offering discount codes, Revolve offers coupon codes and discounts actively. Revolve is among the most sought-after brands when it comes to coupons and discount offers, with hundreds of thousands of searches for coupons each month, offset against its relatively low volume of coupons issued. offers formal and casual clothing and accessories for both men and women. There are more than 500 famous brands, such as AK Vintage, available through the firm's website, West Hollywood boutique and curated designer boutiques. Customers like because it offers free shipping, free returns and discount coupons.

Revolve.Com Coupon FAQ

Does Revolve Offer Free Shipping?

Revolve offers free shipping on all orders that are shipped through their standard two-day shipping method. Faster shipping options do have a charge, but two-day shipping is free regardless of the order amount.

How Do You Contact Revolve Customer Service?

You can reach Revolve’s customer service line by calling (888) 442-5830. You can also go to their customer support page and click on the “live chat” option, found about halfway down the page on the left side. Finally, you can get some answers by sending an e-mail to

Does Revolve price match competitors?

Yes, Revolve will match competitors' pricing. If you provide proof of lower pricing at a competing retailer, you can get a price match. Here's a link to Revolve's price adjustment policy.

Does Revolve offer financing or pay-over-time options?

Yes, Revolve supports the following financing and split payment options providers: AfterPay Financing, Klarna Financing, QuadPay Financing. With any financing option, you can buy now and pay later in installments.

Where can I find Revolve coupons?

Revolve offers coupons and promotional codes which you can find listed on this page. Look for coupon codes marked with the green verified label for today's active Revolve promo codes. You can also find sales and other promotions for Revolve here as well.

How do I use my Revolve discount code?

First, copy the discount code by clicking the code on this page. Then head to Revolve's website at and enter the code in the coupon code entry box during checkout. You will see either a confirmation message of your savings or an error if the code did not work.

My Revolve promo code didn't work. What can I do?

Some coupon codes have special requirements or exceptions. Click "view restrictions" next to the coupon code on this page to learn more. If necessary, try multiple Revolve codes on this page until you find one that redeems a discount.

What's today's best Revolve coupon?

Today's biggest Promo Code is for $100 off. The coupons you see at the top of this page will always show the best Revolve discount codes first. Generally, the best codes are "store-wide" deals that can be used on any purchase at Also, look for the Revolve promo codes with the biggest discount percentage.

How often does Revolve offer online coupons?

Revolve issues coupon codes a little less frequently than other websites. We check for new Revolve codes frequently, so just check back this page to find the latest available Revolve coupons.

How many coupons is Revolve offering today?

Currently, Revolve is running 4 promo codes and 7 total offers, redeemable for savings at their website

Get notified when new coupons or discount are released at the stores you love:

How to use REVOLVE Coupon code
1 - Click to the Show Code or Get Deal to copy the code.

2 - Go to https://www.Revolve.Com Website and remember to paste the coupon code copied to the discount/coupon box at check out page

3 - Wait for the discount and Enjoy your order
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