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Expedia.Ca Competitor Coupon Codes
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About Expedia.Ca

Expedia Canada Coupon Tips and Tricks

  • Expedia Canada runs a Deals page on which you can find all the latest discounted travel opportunities across all categories. Featured deals include last-minute vacations, border city deals, and bargain cruises.
  • Expedia Canada participates in the ExpediaRewards program. Earn points for travel bookings and save on future travel and upgraded perks. As a participant in the program, you'll even get savings on certain bookings, like an additional 10% off hotel reservations, without spending any points.
  • Download the Expedia Canada app and get free cancellations at participating hotels.
  • Get free tips on how to get the best savings and most value out of all of your travel experiences on the Expedia Canada travel blog.

How to Contact Expedia Canada Customer Service

To reach Expedia Canada customer service, call toll-free from within North America 1-800-489-9103 or from elsewhere globally (charges apply) 1-417-521-0859. You can also submit an email support ticket directly to the department related to your query by using the site's web-based contact form. Expedia Canada does not publish a direct email address for customer support. If you prefer to find the answers to your questions on your own, Expedia Canada offers a comprehensive knowledge base you can search and browse.

About Expedia Canada

Expedia Canada is a branch of The Expedia Group, which launched its first travel website, Expedia.com, under the name "Microsoft Expedia Travel Services" in October of 1996. Over the ensuing years, the company picked up a number of other online travel services, either through acquisitions or taking a controlling interest, ultimately making The Expedia Group one of the largest and most essential online travel services companies in the world. Under the leadership of Barry Diller, Expedia Canada and the rest of The Expedia Group continue to expand service offerings to include hotel bookings, car rentals, activities, cruises, and all-inclusive vacations.

Expedia.Ca Coupon FAQ

How Can You Redeem an Expedia Canada Coupon Code?

To redeem an Expedia Canada promo code, go to checkout, where you'll see, on the right side of the page, a column showing the details of your booking. Near the bottom of this column is a text link reading: "Apply a coupon or promotion code." Click that link, and a pop-up window appears with a white, rectangular box below the words: "Coupon code." Enter your Expedia Canada discount code into this box, and submit it by clicking the blue button below it reading: "Apply Coupon."

Does Expedia Canada Offer Free Shipping?

While shipping of paper tickets is not free, you can avoid this charge by opting for digital tickets, mobile phone tickets, download-and-print tickets or ticketless bookings instead.

What Are Expedia Canada's Policies on Changes and Cancellations?

For flights, most airlines will let you change or cancel a booking within 24 hours of placing the booking. Some fares are non-refundable, but you can still exchange them for an airline credit for later use. Certain airlines and flights have change and cancellation restrictions, so be sure to know the details of your particular booking before you book. Hotels and car rental agencies generally prefer to handle their own reservation changes and cancellations, so contact them directly to find out their specific policies on cancellation and changes.

What is Expedia Canada’s Return Policy?

If a travel booking is refundable and Expedia Canada charged you directly, it can take 30 days to refund you. If the given car agency, airline or hotel charged you, the timeline for your refund is subject to their own specific guidelines.

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How to use EXPEDIA Coupon code
1 - Click to the Show Code or Get Deal to copy the code.

2 - Go to https://www.Expedia.Ca Website and remember to paste the coupon code copied to the discount/coupon box at check out page

3 - Wait for the discount and Enjoy your order
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