AHAVA Coupons, Promo Codes & 2024 Deals

AHAVA® | Dead Sea Mineral Skin Care Products

Recharge, hydrate and illuminate your skin with AHAVA's active Dead Sea mineral skin care. All products are vegan and paraben-free. No fillers, no fluff, no falseness.

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AHAVA Competitor Coupon Codes
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About Ahava.Com

How to Save Money at AHAVA

  • Watch for the popup ad when you first visit ahava.com. If you join the email list, you can enjoy 15% off your first order.
  • Watch the top of the website for current sales and deals. Seasonal categories of products go on sale and will be listed here.
  • In the banner ad at the top of the website, you will sometimes find AHAVA coupon codes for free gifts with orders of a certain amount.
  • When you sign up to receive emails from ahava.com, you'll be notified of new items, exclusive deals, and great ways to save on skincare.
  • In the menu at the top of the AHAVA website, there's a tab labeled "Value Sizes." This takes you to the section of the website where you can save more by buying the value sized products that give you more for a better price.
  • When AHAVA runs a sweepstakes, you can look for it in the banner at the top of the website. Contests are free for anyone to enter, and contests can qualify you for a chance to win free products and prizes!
  • In the top menu of the website, click the tab for the current season. You'll be taken to the page with the current season's specialized merchandise, and you'll find percentage-off deals and related coupon codes.
  • The "Gifts" tab in the top menu of the website will take you to a page of skin care collections that are perfect for giving as gifts and, since they are bundled, can save you money.

How to Contact AHAVA Customer Service

By phone, you can reach AHAVA customer service at (800) 366-7254. If you need to contact AHAVA by email, the address is shop@ahava.com. To fill out an online contact form, go to AHAVA's Contact Us page.


Since 1988, Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories has been creating skin care products that are made with mineral-based elements found in the Dead Sea. The company is based in Israel and has stores there as well as in Germany, Hungary, South Korea, the Philippines and Singapore. AHAVA's products are also available through a variety of beauty retailers around the world. Using only the best vegan, natural ingredients, AHAVA has developed a line of skin, hair, and body care products. Harnessing the best elements of Dead Sea minerals and botanicals, AHAVA products are designed to nourish, activate, and hydrate skin. Whether you're shopping for moisturizers and lotions or face masks and hair care, AHAVA has a product that's eco-conscious and made from natural ingredients. AHAVA's researchers are committed to innovating, while letting nature lead their science.

How to Use Ahava Coupons

AHAVA offers free shipping on orders over $50 and three free samples with every purchase. Check their homepage for more free gift with purchase each month. Be sure to check their Specials section of the website for the best deals on discounted items. You can also sign up for their email list to have promotional offers sent to you has they become available. There may be fan only exclusive coupon codes and deals on their social media accounts so check those as well. Additional offers from AHAVA can be found at oodiscount.com.

AHAVA is a major skin care brand that markets products and services at ahava.com. AHAVA competes with other top face care services such as Bath & Body Works, Musely and Beautycounter. AHAVA sells mid-range purchase size items on its own website and partner sites in the extremely competitive online skin care industry.

When it comes to offering discount codes, AHAVA offers coupon codes and discounts actively. AHAVA is a newer, or medium to lower popularity brand when it comes to discount codes and promotion searches, with fewer shoppers actively searching for AHAVA offer codes and deals each month.

AHAVA Customer Service Contact Info

AHAVA US330 7th Avenue, FL 10New York, NY 10001Telephone Number: +1 (800) 366-7254Email Address: customer_service@ahavaus.com

Does AHAVA Do Black Friday?

Yes, we are eagerly waiting for the AHAVA Black Friday Deals that will start on Fri Nov 26 2021 with many items available in the discounted Black Friday sale.

Does AHAVA Do Cyber Monday?

Yes, we are eagerly waiting for the AHAVA Cyber Monday Deals that will start on Mon Nov 29 2021 with many items available in the discounted Cyber Monday sale.
  • You can find deals and promos on the AHAVA Specials page of the site.
  • Orders over $50 qualify for free shipping within the United States.
  • AHAVA's 60-day-no-risk-money-back guarantee means that any product with over 50% of the product left can be returned for a full refund.

Ahava.Com Coupon FAQ

Does AHAVA Offer Free Shipping?

AHAVA orders over $50 can be shipped free within the continental US via UPS Ground or USPS. Orders under $50 will be charged $8.95 for standard shipping. Expedited shipping is available for an additional cost, and shipping to Canada is also available for an additional cost.

What Is AHAVA's Return Policy?

If you receive a damaged product, you should contact AHAVA's customer service immediately to make arrangements for a replacement to be sent. If you're not satisfied with your purchase, AHAVA offers a 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee. To receive a refund, you may return the product with 50% or more remaining in the container, along with your order number and full contact information. Complete return instructions are available on the AHAVA Shipping & Returns page.

Where can I find AHAVA coupons?

AHAVA offers coupons and promotional codes which you can find listed on this page. Look for coupon codes marked with the green verified label for today's active AHAVA promo codes. You can also find sales and other promotions for AHAVA here as well.

How do I use my AHAVA discount code?

First, copy the discount code by clicking the code on this page. Then head to AHAVA's website at ahava.com and enter the code in the coupon code entry box during checkout. You will see either a confirmation message of your savings or an error if the code did not work.

My AHAVA promo code didn't work. What can I do?

Some coupon codes have special requirements or exceptions. Click "view restrictions" next to the coupon code on this page to learn more. If necessary, try multiple AHAVA codes on this page until you find one that redeems a discount.

What's today's best AHAVA coupon?

Today's biggest AHAVA.com Promo Code is for $50 off. The coupons you see at the top of this page will always show the best AHAVA discount codes first. Generally, the best codes are "store-wide" deals that can be used on any purchase at ahava.com. Also, look for the AHAVA promo codes with the biggest discount percentage.

How often does AHAVA offer online coupons?

AHAVA issues coupon codes pretty frequently, with multiple new promo codes offered each month. To keep up with the latest, just check back on this page. We always update the latest AHAVA promotional codes daily.

How many coupons is AHAVA offering today?

Currently, AHAVA is running 8 promo codes and 10 total offers, redeemable for savings at their website ahava.com.

What are Ahava's best coupons?

30% Off All Orders - Get Code25% Off All Orders - Get Code

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How to use AHAVA Coupon code
1 - Click to the Show Code or Get Deal to copy the code.

2 - Go to https://www.Ahava.Com Website and remember to paste the coupon code copied to the discount/coupon box at check out page

3 - Wait for the discount and Enjoy your order
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