KORAL Coupons, Promo Codes & 2024 Deals

Koral | Women's Activewear | Koral.com

Shop online for the latest selection of women's activewear by Koral.com. Koral activewear is premium, high fashion activewear designed with luxurious fabrics to empower active individuals to live, look and feel their best.

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Performance Activewear Up to 50% Off.


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About Koral.Com

How to Save Money at KORAL

  • To get KORAL deals, shop on the Sale page, where you can find final-sale merchandise marked down by as much as 50%.
  • Save money at KORAL with 15% off your first order when you sign up for the email newsletter. Email subscribers also receive exclusive offers, such as promo codes, and privileges like early access to sales events.
  • If you are gift shopping or have a set budget, you can find lower-priced products by shopping under the "Gift Guide" tab. Sections here are divided into merchandise priced under $50 and under $100.
  • Watch for special offers and news about sales on social media. You can follow KORAL on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Using KORAL Coupon Codes

To use a KORAL coupon code, click the "Bag" link in the top right corner of the site and then click Checkout. On the next page, find the text box that says, "Gift card or discount code" on the right side. Enter your code in the box and click the Apply button.

Contacting KORAL Customer Support

Contact KORAL’s customer support team by calling 1-323-391-1060 or 1-833-203-2116 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Alternatively, you can send the company an email at service@koral.com. Visit the Customer Care page for more information.


Founded by Ilana Kugel, KORAL is an American women's fashion company with a focus on luxury activewear. From tank tops to sports bras and from leggings to bodysuits, the KORAL retail site offers a wide range of creative, high-performance apparel for sizes extra small through extra large. They also carry a line of maternity clothes and a variety of accessories. KORAL's first line was launched in 2014. The Koral Industries LLC headquarters is in Vernon, Calif.

Koral is a major activewear brand that markets products and services at koral.com. Koral competes with other top workout clothing manufacturers such as Adidas, Athleta and Lululemon. Koral sells mid-range purchase size items on its own website and partner sites in the extremely competitive online activewear industry.

When it comes to offering discount codes, Koral offers coupon codes and discounts actively. Koral is a newer, or medium to lower popularity brand when it comes to discount codes and promotion searches, with fewer shoppers actively searching for Koral offer codes and deals each month.

Koral.Com Coupon FAQ

Does KORAL Offer Free Shipping?

Yes, KORAL offers free shipping on all US orders over $150. For orders below this threshold, there is a USPS ground shipping flat fee of $6.99. Two-day and overnight options are available via FedEx for additional fees.

What Is KORAL's Return Policy?

Most KORAL merchandise can be returned within 30 days for a full refund. To be eligible for a return, products should retain all original tags and be unwashed, unworn, and unused. Final sale products are not eligible for return. To read the full return policy, visit the Customer Care page.

How do I use a Koral coupon code?

To use a Koral coupon first add your items to your cart and proceed to check-out. On the right side of the page will be a box to enter your discount code. Click apply after you enter your code to redeem you coupon.

How do I get a 15% off Koral coupon code?

Get 15% off your order when you sign up for the mailing list!

What is their shipping/return policy?

Koral offers free shipping & returns on all US orders. Expedited & international shipping is available for additional fees. You have up to 30 days to return any unwanted products.

How do I contact Koral?

To contact Koral you can email service@koral.com or call 1-323-391-1060. You can also message them directly from their website under Contact and message them directly.

Does Koral offer financing or pay-over-time options?

Yes, Koral supports the following financing and split payment options providers: Klarna Financing, QuadPay Financing. With any financing option, you can buy now and pay later in installments.

Where can I find Koral coupons?

Koral offers coupons and promotional codes which you can find listed on this page. Look for coupon codes marked with the green verified label for today's active Koral promo codes. You can also find sales and other promotions for Koral here as well.

How do I use my Koral discount code?

First, copy the discount code by clicking the code on this page. Then head to Koral's website at koral.com and enter the code in the coupon code entry box during checkout. You will see either a confirmation message of your savings or an error if the code did not work.

My Koral promo code didn't work. What can I do?

Some coupon codes have special requirements or exceptions. Click "view restrictions" next to the coupon code on this page to learn more. If necessary, try multiple Koral codes on this page until you find one that redeems a discount.

What's today's best Koral coupon?

Today's biggest Koral.com Discount Code is for $50 off. The coupons you see at the top of this page will always show the best Koral discount codes first. Generally, the best codes are "store-wide" deals that can be used on any purchase at koral.com. Also, look for the Koral promo codes with the biggest discount percentage.

How often does Koral offer online coupons?

Koral issues coupon codes a little less frequently than other websites. We check for new Koral codes frequently, so just check back this page to find the latest available Koral coupons.

How many coupons is Koral offering today?

Currently, Koral is running 15 promo codes and 17 total offers, redeemable for savings at their website koral.com.

Get notified when new coupons or discount are released at the stores you love:

How to use KORAL Coupon code
1 - Click to the Show Code or Get Deal to copy the code.

2 - Go to https://www.Koral.Com Website and remember to paste the coupon code copied to the discount/coupon box at check out page

3 - Wait for the discount and Enjoy your order
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